A change of pace...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

In the photo above, Beyoncee is wonderfully out of focus.

Is it me, or do celebrities seem more irrelevant than ever right now? Scrolling through the inaugural photo albums, I couldn't help but cringe when I came across a familiar face from LA. January 20th was a day to celebrate our government and our new president, not a chance to market a film or get a little extra press.

The video below is not for the faint of heart. For those of you who watch 30 Rock, from time to time the "actor" characters on that show get upset when people forget how important they are. They then do something incredibly inane and frequently damaging to remind everyone of their magnificence and relevance.

Behold, life imitates art (ok, I know calling 30 Rock art is a little...much):
